Monday, December 28, 2015


Oh hello, blog.  Nice to see you again!

Let's go back to October. The Vancouver Rock n Roll Half Marathon was a lot of fun! It was a little hilly but it just reminded me that I really have to work on hill training more often. My official time was 2:34:37, which is less than a minute slower than my personal best. Considering the hills and how my training slowed down as I was gearing up for our trip to Australia, I was perfectly satisfied with that! It was also nice to have my husband, Kendrick and my cousin Julia cheering me on at the finish line. The only weird thing is my Nike Running app went a little wonky during the run! I'm not sure if it was because of the sea level changes, but my app's GPS had me running a good 2KM farther than the 21.1KM when I finished. I'd like to think that the 1/2 marathon route was measured properly so I'm not sure why there was this issue. It makes me wonder how accurate the GPS actually is even when I'm running in Edmonton? It was off when I did the Canada Day 15KM race too.

After running the race at 8AM, that night at 11:30PM we left for Australia to visit my sister in law and brother in law! Kendrick did pretty awesome considering it was a 16 hour flight to Sydney. He's now been on 12 planes so far in his almost 10 month life, and for the most part he's been an absolute rock star! I'm so very happy that he seems to love travelling as much as his Mommy. 

Spending a month in another country with an eight month old is definitely an adventure! While we were there he got three more teeth, and learned to army crawl, crawl, pull himself to standing and go from his tummy to sitting up! Although hitting all these milestones was awesome, it made the flight home a little challenging because our little love bug didn't want to sit still! In the future if I was travelling with a baby I would definitely go before they are mobile or when they are old enough to be entertained by a movie or iPad. Overall though the trip was amazing. We got to spend some quality time with family, and Kendrick got to do some amazing things! My highlight was taking a giant boat out for a day trip to the Great Barrier Reef and going snorkelling. I bought medication to help with sea sickness (which I didn't know I had until our trip to Jamaica in 2013) which made the boat ride fantastic! I look forward to going back one day - maybe if/when there is a baby #2!

We've now entered winter (which is my favourite season), but unfortunately winter means I become a little bit of a lazy-bug. Running is my jam, but as soon as the snow and ice come I stop. I don't want to take the chance of falling or injuring myself, and well let's face it: I'm a whimp. I've hit a little bit of a winter rut. I have just over two months left of maternity leave and I'd like to take one more class with Kendrick before I go back to work, so that will be nice. I decided that next week I'm going to try out Blitz Conditioning. They have a 6AM HIIT class (High Intensity Interval Training) that may work perfect as Brian can be home with Kendrick and I'll be home on time for him to get ready for work. The only problem is, 6AM is EARLY! I'm still not sleeping that great (and I still don't have an answer as to why) so I'd have to try my best to go to bed as soon as Kendrick goes to bed to maximize my sleep so I'm not a zombie at the work out. I'm a measly two pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight and seven away from my goal weight so ideally I'd like to hit that goal before I go back to work in March! I still have some passes to Moksha Yoga too that I need to use up. It's been years since I've gone and I miss it!

Speaking of back to work, I'm getting a little anxious when I think about it. I am looking forward to spending time with my co-workers and going back into the work world but it's hard for me to imagine being away from my little dude for 8-9 hours a day, five days a week! I feel like there will be tears. Does it get easier?

Looking ahead, it's hard to believe it will be 2016 by the end of this week! I usually make some sort of resolutions but I find that I don't always keep them. To be honest I don't even remember what mine were from last year! In my blog post from December 28 last year, I talked about planning some vacations and we ended up going on 3/4 I had planned. Likely in 2016 there won't be as much travel as Australia was expensive (but so worth it), but I still have some ideas on how to get out of town for at least a mini get away every once and awhile. I'm going to write my goals for 2016 down so I can hold myself accountable!

2016 Goals
~ Hit my goal weight and maintain it (give or take five pounds)
~ Pay down debt and be in a better position to start 2017
~ Date night once a month where Kendrick goes on a sleepover
~ Save $2000 towards a 2017 vacation
~ Start #365DaysOfGratitude & post at least one thing every day that I'm grateful for
~ Take up a new hobby
~ Blog at least three times a month
~ Run all 7 MEC runs (you can buy the value pack by clicking here) and complete at least one half marathon - obtain a new personal best!

I feel like if I can accomplish all of these I'll be not only a better person, but I'll go into 2017 with a fresh, positive outlook! What are your goals for 2016?


PS: I need to do some baking! We went to State & Main for brunch this past weekend and Brian had banana bread french toast. It was amazing, and definitely do-able. Now I'm inspired and want to try it... Kendrick is starting to eat more finger foods and he already likes bananas so I think this would go well! Now to scour Pinterest for the perfect recipe...

PPS: Stella & Dot is having a fabulous sale! Check it out - If you find you like everything, consider hosting a trunk show in January so you can earn some bling for free. :)
Monday, October 19, 2015


"When sunlight is fading
the world will be waiting for you.
Just show 'em what you're made of."
- Backstreet Boys, "Show 'Em (What You're Made Of)"

I realize it's been a long time since I've blogged. Life happens! It's been a month of ups and downs and my running has been taking a back seat unfortunately. That being said, my body is holding on pretty well and I'm keeping my pace up! I ran 10K on Thanksgiving Monday before getting a turkey cramp (which was pretty impressive that it took that long considering all of the food I've eaten in the past two days) and am feeling pretty good about the Vancouver Rock N Roll Half coming up in less than a week! My goal is going to be 2:30. I haven't been able to train as much as I want but when I have been running my times have been good. As long as I can make it through without cramping up I'm thinking very positive. This will be the end of running season for me so I want to finish with a bang! :)

I've made a decision that I have to go back to running in the morning. In my last two night runs even though I thought I gave myself enough time between meals, I cramped up and had to cut my run short and that's a real pain when you're on a runners high! I actually ran a 32 minute 5K yesterday which was pretty good for me, but had to walk and stretch it out afterward because the cramp was so bad. I never get cramps running in the morning! It's just so hard to get up! I have been taking 1/2 a dose of melatonin before I head to bed and it's been helping me fall asleep which is good, however I'm still waking up more often than not during the night. Kendrick seems to be going into a little bit of a sleep regression as he's waking up 1-2 times a night for his soother, so hopefully that ends soon and I can start getting a little more sleep!

I'm starting to create a list of things to pack for our big trip! The packing is giving me a bit of anxiety, which is why I'm making a list. We've been getting such beautiful weather here in Edmonton, but the bonus of this time of year is that I can start packing all of my summer clothes! Our Australia trip will be the longest I've ever been away, with the second longest being when I went to London in 2012 and was gone for 25 days. 

The good news of the week, I'm only three pounds away from the weight I was when I found out I was pregnant! This means that I'm nine pounds away from my goal weight! The bad news is, none of my old jeans fit! Pants in general are my nemesis right now as I only have a few pairs that actually fit me. When I look in the mirror I feel like I look close to the same as I did before, but my clothes say otherwise. My little dude is worth it though, and it means I get to do some shopping before I go back to work in the new year!

Kendrick has been growing like crazy! He's so close to crawling and he's been working on sitting up for awhile now. He pretty much mastered it on Thanksgiving weekend! He's also eating like a champ! I've become an expert baby food maker too! We are lucky that Kendrick will eat pretty much anything. On thanksgiving he tried little pieces of turkey! He got more on the floor, in his hair and on his face than he did in his mouth but it was a pretty fun experience anyways.  I've been doing a mixture of my own baby food concoctions along with some packaged Baby Gourmet organic food to make sure he likes it. Although I love feeding him home made food because I know exactly what's going in it, while we travel it will be a lot more difficult to make baby food! So I did some research and checked a lot of labels and settled on Baby Gourmet. I'm already impressed that Kendrick likes things like pumpkin! So far, it doesn't seem like he has any allergies so fingers crossed it stays that way.

I'm gonna try to blog on the road when I'm gone if I can get wifi access! So excited for this trip of a lifetime as it will be our first time down under! :)


PS: I made some pumpkin cheesecake for thanksgiving and had a ton of leftover pumpkin, so I added some to my oatmeal lactation muffins recipe! I also added two bananas instead of one which made them much more moist. I still have pumpkin left so I'm thinking of making some banana pumpkin bread or something before I go. I can always freeze it so it's a treat when we get back!

PPS: I'm thinking of doing a gratitude challenge. I did #365DaysOfHappy last year and into this year and coincidentally it timed out almost perfectly with Kendrick being born. I'm thinking of doing #100DaysOfGratitude. I think it's important to be thankful for the good things we have because some people aren't so lucky. Stay tuned to my twitter page in the next few days if you'd like to follow along!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015



That's a full 10 MINUTES FASTER than my last personal best in 2013. 10 MINUTES! I'm sitting here a little over two weeks later and I still am not quite sure how I did it.

The Edmonton Half Marathon went really well. I worked my way up near the front of the pack at the start and slowly made my way to the side and kept up a good pace. My second kilometre was my fastest at 6:16, and my slowest kilometre was at the 19K mark at 7:49. I ran 5K in 33:35 which for me is pretty good! Ideally one day I'd like to get that under 30 minutes and get my 10K time under an hour; I'll get there eventually. The best was seeing Kendrick at the finish line! He did catch my eye for a split second as I ran by him and my friend Krissie who was gracious enough to watch him while I ran since Brian was out of town, and that was the best. I sped up and sprinted across the finish line. I could tell I really pushed it hard because my body felt like it was going to fall apart! I definitely need to do more cross training, especially since the Red Deer Super Spartan Race is coming up this weekend!

I wasn't expecting to beat my personal best by so much time especially 5.5 months after Kendrick, but now that I've done that I think I want to go for another personal best when I run the Vancouver Rock N Roll Half at the end of October. Originally I was thinking of having a goal of 2:20, but the race is less than two months away so I'm thinking a goal of 2:25 or 2:30 might be more realistic. I am so happy that the weather is cooling off, but I have to say I haven't been motivated to run lately. I've been tired and waking up in the morning is hard when the baby sleeps in (I know, I know, I am VERY lucky to have a baby who sleeps!). I'm going to go for a few runs and mix in some strength training this week so I can prepare for Spartan on Saturday, and then I'm going to get back and focus on my running again so I can aim for that personal best!

This also has me thinking about running a full in the next few years. One day there will hopefully be a baby number two, and I've heard that it's harder to lose the weight the second time so I'm thinking of possibly training for one next year. I think Vancouver will be a good pace marker in my decision, as if I can beat my personal best again it will provide me with a little more motivation! Right now when I finish running my lungs go back to normal pretty quick (even with my asthma) which to me means I can keep going. My body however is cramped, sore and I'm in pain. The soreness lasts usually a day or two and this has happened to me the last two times I've beaten my personal best. To me this means that I have to up my fitness level in other areas, such as strength training. When I used to do gymnastics we would do at least an hour of conditioning after every practice, so I'm thinking I'm going to start incorporating some of that in after every run to make my body stronger. I don't think I want to attempt a full marathon until I can get my half time under 2:15, but we'll see how I feel at the end of October.

According to my Nike Running app, my shoes are at 432 KM.

That doesn't include of course a lot of the walking I've done so I'm sure I'm close to 500 which means it's time for new kicks! I love the Nike Outlet because you can get such good deals on last year's shoes! I've been wearing Nike Flex Running 2013's, and I managed to find the same pair today (just different colours) for $49.99. WOO HOO! I tried on some other shoes and didn't like them nearly as much, so I'm sticking with what I know! I also may have bought Kendrick some baby Nike's as they were on sale for $20 and I couldn't resist. They are so darn cute!


PS: Kendrick and I went to cheer Brian on at Tough Mudder this weekend in Drumheller, AB where the weather was absolutely terrible. It was +8 and raining the whole afternoon! I made the last minute decision to throw my Baby Bjorn carrier in the suitcase as I've been meaning to try it out with Kendrick for months. It ended up being one of the best decisions I've made all weekend! We figured out how to use it on Friday night and on Saturday I used it to carry Kendrick around while we waited for Brian to finish. AMAZING! There was so much mud it was disgusting, and seeing people push their strollers caked with mud was even worse. Instead of worrying about the stroller, Kendrick was snug as a bug next to my heart with two layers and a blanket on top with a touque. This also freed up my hands so I could carry an umbrella! He absolutely loved looking at everything and even took a couple of naps. I wish I would have started using it sooner! Does this make me a granola mom? Today we took Thor for a walk and he babbled and kicked the whole time. I also did some squats, and  with Kendrick being about 15lbs now it was a good work out! I never got into the woven wraps but I do really like the Baby Bjorn and will definitely be using it more often!

PPS: Since my banana peach oatmeal (lactation) muffins were such a hit, I did some pinteresting to see if I could come up with a new recipe to try out. I am close to perfecting a maple carrot cake version, so stay tuned! I'm hoping to post it next entry. 
Saturday, August 22, 2015


Lesson learned this week: Running with a stroller is HARD!

Obviously baby brain is still affecting me considering I thought pushing a 53.5lb stroller with an almost 15lb baby in it while running and keeping up my pace would be a walk in the park. NOPE! 

We decided to go swimming on Thursday so I thought it would be good to get a run in and run to the pool. I tried putting Kendrick in just the stroller portion without the carseat, but he's still too small and the straps didn't keep him from moving. The time of day also meant the sun was right in his eyes, so I opted to keep him in the car seat so I could provide adequate shade and he'd be nicely tucked in. He's 5.5 months old now and can hold his head up very well so I wasn't concerned, plus the route I had in mind was mostly smooth gravel and wasn't too bumpy. 

When I started to run I realized that it was a lot tougher that I expected! Any small incline seemed like a hill! I managed to keep my pace up however I took many walk breaks. It took a lot more out of me than I thought! I got a thumbs up from a senior on a bike, and a high five from some teenagers on the way. I arrived at the pool covered in sweat even though it wasn't that hot out. Kendrick I assume enjoyed himself because he slept through pretty much the whole thing. I'm impressed with the work out and after I finish the half marathon on Sunday I'm definitely going to be running with the stroller more often, especially now that it's getting cooler! I went for another run today when it was nice and cool outside and my little buddy was pretty pumped to wear his Snoopy toque!

My pace was slower today (also because of the race tomorrow I didn't want to push it) but I took less walk breaks so I was pretty satisfied! The weather was at about +11 when I left and for me it was perfect. 

It's been hard to run four or five times a week as my Nike running plan suggests, but I still have been going 2-3 times a week. My pace for July averaged 7:28 and for August 7:31 and although I still feel a little slow it's not too bad. I just keep reminding myself that I had a baby five and a half months ago, so let's be realistic. The peak of my training happened on August 8th where I ran 19 KM. My recovery was fantastic and I actually wasn't that sore the next day, so I consider that a really big win. I'm also going to download Spotify Premium so that I can start looking for some fun playlists to run to. It also times out perfectly so that it will expire the day we get back from Australia, so I'll have unlimited music to listen to not only prepping for my next half, but also on all the long plane rides!

Last week I was really nervous for the Edmonton Half but now I'm starting to feel more confident. It still flip flops from time to time but I'm starting to visualize finishing and it's making me feel a bit better. Also knowing that I will have a few people cheering me on from the sidelines makes a world of difference! I packed my bag for tomorrow, picked my outfit, and really am as ready as I can be.  I felt this shirt was best suited for tomorrow!

My goal is to finish before 2:58 (which was the time of my very first half in Vegas in which I trained way less). I have a tiny little bag of cherry blasters that I plan to eat as my reward when I finish!


PS: I did go see the doctor about my sleep issues. Essentially he asked me a whole bunch of questions and doesn't think I have postpartum depression which is a good thing. He suggested taking some natural sleep aids on occasion, and also to move the baby monitor to the other side of the room (or out of the room completely) so that I wasn't compulsively checking it. Moving the monitor was tough, but it's now in a place where I can't reach it and that has helped a little bit. My sleep is still not the greatest but it's definitely better than it was. My brain just doesn't want to shut off! 

PPS: I've got a pretty bruise on my leg from a wipe out two weeks ago. I was running through a crosswalk during rush hour traffic, tripped over an invisible line and wiped out. I landed mostly on my hands (of course I wasn't wearing pants with any pockets so my phone went down first and I cracked the screen) and on my left knee. My right ankle was slightly twisted as well, but I didn't feel that until the next day. When I fell I was so embarrassed that I jumped up and kept running for another 1/4 kilometre so I was alone again, then walked the rest of the way home. I was so mad and upset I didn't even post the run to Facebook like I usually do. Usually when I get outside I feel better even if I'm a little tired, but my body was just not feeling it and I pushed myself to get out there anyway. Lesson learned. :)
Monday, July 27, 2015


After being back the running train for a week now, I'm feeling pretty good. I ran 15.2KM in 1:53 with the help of my bestie & pace car Krissie who runs a lot faster than me and it felt pretty good! Although I do like running on my own, for my long runs it's nice to have company and someone to lead the way to keep my pace up! I think that's why I always run faster during races because it's almost like I'm chasing people!

During my runs I almost find that I've been tuning out my music because I've been listening to the same songs over and over again. I have so many pictures on my phone (mostly of my adorable son) that I don't have space for a lot of music, and haven't made myself a new playlist since I started running again back in June. I'm considering trying out Spotify Premium to try out some new playlists. Right now they have a special where you get three months for 99 cents. This way I'd be able to download playlists to listen to and with the new upgrade it actually hooks up to the Nike Running app as well. An added bonus is that I'll have access to a ton of music for our trip to Australia - which by the way we officially BOOKED this week! I am so excited to see my sister and brother in law and visit a place I've never been, and excited for Kendrick to meet his auntie and uncle! Our first stop is Vancouver where I'll be running the Vancouver Rock N Roll Half Marathon (and hoping to get a personal best wearing my Oilers hat) and that night we'll be taking a direct flight to Sydney! 15 hours on a plane with an eight month old may prove to be a challenge but hopefully he'll be good like he was on the flights to and from Vegas! After three days in Sydney we'll hop on a plane to Adelaide where we'll spend the majority of the next three weeks visiting. So EXCITED! And so much planning yet to do...

During my 8KM run today I had a lot of things going through my mind. I find that I do a lot of reflection and thinking when I run. This is part of the reason why I quite enjoy running outside. It's very much multi-tasking as my brain is going a million miles a minute listening to music, watching where I'm going, planning my route, and brainstorming random things. Today for example as I was running through the river valley, I wondered how I would look if I dyed the tips of my hair blue and turquoise. I'm not usually one to go with fads, but I thought it would be something interesting and while I'm on mat leave is the perfect time to experiment with this kind of thing. Then I thought about how funny it would be to take a picture of Kendrick, Brian and I so you could see the back of our heads; Brian's hair is longer than normal, mine would have funky coloured tips, and Kendrick has a bald spot in the back of his head. Ha! I don't know why this came to mind but these are the random kinds of things I think about during long runs.

I'd like to start doing stairs with November Project on Wednesdays and hills on Fridays! Once I get my sleep figured out I'm going to try and make it out once a week. I'm so terrible at hills that I think this will definitely help my endurance.

Kendrick hit a couple of milestones this week. On Monday he rolled from his back to his front, so now he can roll both ways! Now that he's figured out how to do that he doesn't stay on his back for long. Friday night we put him in the crib for the first time for the night. He's been sleeping in a bassinet in our room and has been sleeping really well so we finally decided to make the move. He's been doing good, however now he moves like crazy during the night and we usually find him facing the opposite direction on his stomach in the morning! He also attended his very first Edmonton Eskimos game on Saturday night. Our little dude is growing up.


PS: I'm also happy to report I'm 20lbs away from my goal weight, 4.5 months postpartum. I still only have a couple pairs of pants that fit besides my running gear, but I'm starting to slowly feel much more comfortable in my own skin. YAY.

PPS: After speaking to the nurse at the health clinic today I was also told to make an appointment with my doctor ASAP in regards to my sleep issues, so I'm heading in on Friday. I'm hoping for some clarity and hopefully some natural remedies to help me sleep and take advantage of the fact that Kendrick sleeps so well at night! I'm tired of being tired all day and not being able to fall asleep at night. I can't wait to get my Fitbit to really track my sleeping patterns and see how much I'm actually sleeping at night. I hope the orange & blue ones come out soon!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015


I realized that it's been a lot longer than I thought since I ran last; nine days ago yesterday to be exact. Oopsie. I didn't mean to take a nine day break but between being busy, preparing for our trip, and being flat out tired it just didn't happen. I'm still learning to juggle life with a baby!

We just got back from Vegas on Saturday from Stella & Dot's national conference (Hoopla) and it went really well. Not only was the conference really good and very informative, but Kendrick was an absolute rock star. On the flight there I took people's advice and had his soother in for landing and take off and he didn't fuss at all. He just sat in my lap and stared at me! :) On the way home he was a little fussier as the flight was during his bed time (will try not to make that mistake again), but when he went to asleep he stayed asleep and we managed to get him home and in bed without him fully waking up! During the sessions he either slept or played with his toys, and when he got fussy and I picked him up, the people behind me made faces at him and he giggled and smiled. I couldn't have asked for a more well-behaved baby and now it's given me a lot of food for thought for when we travel to Australia in the fall!

So after doing a bunch of research I have decided that I'm going to purchase a Fitbit. I had one of the very first ones that clipped onto your pants and to be honest I didn't like it. But that was quite a few years ago and I think I'm ready to give it another chance. That being said, I'm not sure which one to buy! I thought I was pretty set on the Fitbit Charge HR however now I'm considering the Fitbit Surge. I really wanted something that has a heart rate monitor built right in, but that also tracks my sleep (for the past year or so, even before I got pregnant, I have been having problems sleeping for long periods of time). The big differences between the two are that you can get text messages on the Surge (doesn't really matter to me), change a song on your music (good, but really not a big deal to me), track multiple sports and the big one: GPS. As much as I love my Nike running app, it's not really meant for walking so when I use it for walks it brings down my average pace. It's not the end of the world, but I use that pace to figure out approximate KMs when I'm on a time limit. It would also be beneficial when I'm on vacation or running outside of Canada. The Nike app would cost me a lot to use data and I wouldn't be using it on hikes or other walks. Of course, there's also the $120 price difference ($179.99 VS $299.99). So many decisions! I still have some time to think about it as in either case I would want the blue or tangerine colors (basic black is way too boring) which haven't been released yet. Feel free to comment below if you have a preference one way or another, I'd love to hear feedback!

Speaking of sleeping terribly, I think it's time to make a trip to the doctor and the naturopath. I am a terrible sleeper. I am tired all day but when night time comes I find it really difficult to fall asleep and I wake up multiple times a night. These are the nights I should be sleeping because Kendrick has been sleeping through the night for about two months now! It's starting to really affect me so I'm going to see if I can figure out something. What are your tips for falling asleep at night?


PS: Product Review: Yurbuds - $27 - Sport Chek

I have been looking for new ear buds as I find regular ones don't stay in my ears and I'm constantly re-adjusting them. I had ones that went around my ears but mid-run they would start to hurt so I was in the market for some new ones. I went to Sport Chek on the weekend and was looking at some $80 fancy ear buds when one of the workers came over and told me about Yurbuds and said one of his coworkers swore by them. It says "Guaranteed to Never Fall Out" right on the box, so I thought I'd give them a shot. 

As it turns out, they are awesome! I ran with them for the first time today and they were super comfortable and honestly didn't move, even though it was quite windy. I didn't have to re-adjust them once! I am very impressed and at a $29.99 price point they were worth every penny. They also sell sets for $40 and $50 but I couldn't see much of a difference other than the accessories so I decided on these ones. They also say they are specially made for women and have two sizes. Two thumbs up!

PPS: I know a few new mommies so I wanted to post some of my tips for air travel with a baby! I was very lucky that Kendrick was so good, but there were a few things that really helped me!

- Pay extra for the "plus" seats. On Westjet they are $50 and you get extra legroom, your first & second bag checked in free, and free food and drinks. Since you'd be paying $25 anyways for your bag, this is a no-brainer. If possible, also book seats A&C or D&F so there's a chance that no one will sit in between you! That extra seat is a bonus.
- You're probably going to bring more than you need. I packed way too many diapers, outfits and formula. But you just never know and it's better to be safe than sorry!
- Feed or give baby a soother during landing and take off. It helps pop their little ears!
- If you can help it, don't fly in the evening. I had to wash bottles and pump in the airport because we checked out of our hotel at 10:30AM and didn't leave until 8:30PM! If given the choice I would fly in the morning or afternoon
- Check with your airline but you should be allowed to take a diaper bag along with your own carry on and personal item. I kept all baby stuff in the diaper bag along with extra outfits, food and diapers. You never know when there will be a delay! You are allowed to take formula and breast milk through customs, just take it out for security so they can scan it.
- I found people around me were really helpful! If he started getting fussy the people behind me or beside me would make faces at him and he'd smile and giggle. It was a big help!
- Don't be afraid to ask for help. I find that hard sometimes but people (especially the flight attendants) will be happy to hold your baby for a moment while you get organized!

Sunday, July 5, 2015


June flew by! I don't know where the time is going. Kendrick is almost 4 months old. It feels like he's growing up so fast! He's holding his head up really well, he can roll from front to back and he can almost sit up by himself! And he's found his voice, he's constantly babbling!

Oilers Draft Party 2015
I've really started to amp up my running. I ran my first race since having Kendrick on July 1 - the Canada Day Road Race.  This is actually kind of cool because I ran the exact same race last year before I knew I was pregnant!

All things considered, I am pretty impressed that there's only a 10 minute difference between my times. It may even be a little less as either Nike was off or the course was a little off since the first year I tracked 15.2KM and this year it was 15.4KM. In any case, I was satisfied but very sore. I've noticed that since I've been pregnant if I sit for long periods of time my body just hurts. My ankles and legs get sore and my back has been bugging me (I've been going to physio and it's been helping!) - I feel like I'm 80 years old! Hopefully that's just because I'm not quite back in shape and nothing else, but I'll be asking the doc about it just in case. I've had to wear my compression sleeves in the last little while because it seems like my shin splints are acting up, and they are helping immensely! I'm looking forward to completing my first half since the baby in August!

I'm starting to feel a bit better about my body. I started to do a clothing purge yesterday and was able to clear out one giant garbage bag of clothes that will be sent for donation. It's a little hard giving stuff away not knowing exactly what size I'll end up, so I did keep most of my pants so I can see how things go. That being said, I am giving a lot away. I went through all these pieces of clothing that I wasn't even wearing before I got pregnant and not only does my closet look a lot better but I feel a lot better! I can't wait to save my pennies and have a big shopping spree just before I go back to work in March.

Looking forward to enjoying this rest day with family and continuing my running program next week.  Now to decide what to do today! :)


PS: Who knew cravings continued after pregnancy? I guess because I'm still exclusively pumping my hormones are still all over the place. My latest craving is rootbeer. It's not healthy, and it's empty calories I know, but I can't help it. It just means I have to run and do bootcamp more so I can work it off!

PPS: Mommy & baby yoga starts up again next week and I couldn't be more excited. Such an awesome class and Kendrick seems to love the music and the baby massages. We also went swimming for the second time last week and he seems to like the water! As soon as he's old enough I'm going to put him into baby swimming lessons. I also may take a couple strollersize classes. The biggest thing that's happening this month though is that Kendrick will be going on his first airplane ride! We are headed to Vegas in 10 days for Stella & Dot Hoopla - the national sales conference. I'm both nervous and excited as this will be the first big vacation with baby and I'm going on my own. If anyone has any tips on flying with little ones I'd be all ears! My first task is to make a list so I don't forget things to pack, so I'm working on that this week!
Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Last week I had a bit of a tough week.

Did you ever know that kid in school who never studied for exams but yet still managed to pass them all with flying colours? I knew that kid, and it drove me nuts because I was the type that really had to study hard or things just wouldn't stick in my mind. Even as an adult student I still have to study my butt off for exams, even if I go to every class and take notes.

I feel similar about losing my baby weight. I know some people who were back to normal within a couple months and yet, I'm still 25lbs from where I want to be. It's slightly frustrating, especially because I've been working really hard to get active again! Note that I'm not frustrated at the lucky people who managed to lose weight without doing anything, I'm just more bummed that it's taking so long for me and I feel like I'm working hard! That being said, I try to keep things in perspective as much as possible. I really only got the OK to work out seven weeks ago, and it took nine months for my beautiful baby to be born and for the majority of it I wasn't really able to be active. And if I'm ever sad about it, I just take one look at Kendrick and think WOW - my body truly is amazing! I'm going to treat myself to a new running shirt when it gets closer to race day that flatters the new me!

Last Monday (Exactly 12 weeks postpartum) I started the Nike+ half marathon training program for the second time. The first time I only got a month in before I had to stop because I was pregnant, so this time I'm looking forward to taking it all the way through. The first time I was also doing the intermediate program because I had been running regularly and this time I'm doing beginner. I'm also training in KM's this time instead of miles. I originally trained in miles because the number was smaller (which I know is a mind game, but we runners do that sometimes) but this does get to be confusing when the markers for Canadian races are in KMs. Since my next couple halfs are in Canada I'm going to continue training in KMs I think and see how that goes. It also makes me feel like I'm doing longer distances! :)

Week one went ok but I struggled getting back into things. My times were quite slow, but I completed all of my runs.

I did my long run on Sunday instead of Saturday because we had a busy day on Saturday and I didn't have a chance to run. I find that is usually my biggest struggle, time management and finding the time to run while someone watches Kendrick. It was tough, but I made it through yet I ended the week a little bummed out because I'm so far off my old pace. However, I made up for it yesterday when I did my 8km run so I started the week feeling very positive. 

My back started to act up again so I booked another physio appointment to see if I could get things worked out. In the mornings and if I sit or stand for long periods of time essentially I feel like an old woman until I get moving. Since I can't avoid sleeping I need to find a way to fix my back so I feel better in the mornings, as that is my favourite time to run! Once it hits the +20s in temperature I find that too hot. Keeping my fingers crossed for a cool August day on August 23 for the Edmonton Half! :)


PS: Last week I also accidentally invented a recipe for peach banana oatmeal mini muffins. Accidentally, you say? So those who know me know that I am terrible at following recipes because I like to add my own flare to everything. Sometimes it works and sometimes...not so much. I tried out these apple cinnamon cookies here a few months ago as some of the ingredients were supposed to help with milk production, and they were delicious (I added strawberries too). Since I didn't have any apples but had canned peaches and an overly ripe banana, I thought I would try to experiment. The batter turned out to be not as firm as cookie dough so I put them in mini muffin cups and voila - a new amazing recipe was formed! Thank God these are fairly healthy (they are refined sugar free, soy free & clean eating approved) because I swear I eat 5-6 a day. I am going to double the recipe next time. Perfect for breakfast or a little snack, and even more perfect for those who breastfeed (don't worry men, you can eat these cookies without lactating I promise). 


1 1/2 cups of whole oats
1 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour
1 cup palm sugar
3 tbsp Brewer's yeast
3 tbsp flaxmeal
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
1/2 a cup of melted butter
3 tbsp water
1 ripe banana
1/3 a can of no syrup added peaches

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix dry ingredients together in one bowl, and mix wet ingredients together in another bowl. Chop the peaches into tiny peaches and smash up the banana in a bowl with the rest of the wet ingredients. Add peaches to wet ingredients, and mix well. Then add slowly to the dry ingredients and mix well until consistent. Put liners into mini muffin tins and fill each one to the top. Bake for 13 minutes or until tops are slightly browned. Makes approximately 36 mini muffins.

PPS: Kendrick turned three months old yesterday! Oh, how the time flies! Here's one of the outtakes from our mini three month photo shoot yesterday. My dog always wants to get in on the pictures!

Friday, May 29, 2015


I'm a teeny bit sidelined at the moment. 

Throughout my pregnancy I had back pain. I won't lie, it was pretty annoying. I figured it was because of the extra 50lbs I gained and I think part of it was, but it came back after I had Kendrick and has been really bugging me in the last week or so. On Monday my back was so sore that I could barely lift him up, so I knew I had to go see someone. It's very discouraging to get injured when you feel like you haven't been doing a lot, so I was a little bit frustrated when I booked my physio appointment for today.

Thankfully, after my appointment it doesn't seem to be too bad. They told me likely some things were moved out of place when I was pregnant and when I gave birth so I need to strengthen my core muscles and that should help. I still have to be careful training my abs and core because of the c-section, but the exercises he gave me to do seem like they'll be ok. He said yoga is good, stretching is good, walking is good, and running is...well...maybe I should wait a bit. Ug. He said to keep an eye on it and run when my back starts to feel better, as he said it is a good sign that it's feeling much better than at the beginning of the week but I have to be careful as it could become chronic. Considering my half marathon training program for the Edmonton Half starts on Monday, I'm going to take it easy this weekend and hope for the best!

I forgot to mention in my last post that a few weeks ago a crazy idea creeped into my head. I wondered if maybe, just maybe, I should consider training for a full marathon. Part of me felt really inspired and motivated and the other part said "ARE YOU NUTS?!"

In the last few years as I've been training for half marathons, I had previously decided that I wouldn't train for a full marathon until I could get my personal best under two hours and 30 minutes. I got about 1/3 of the way through the training program for the Edmonton Half last year before I realized that I was pregnant, and I was on pace to smash (yes, smash is the right word) my personal best by about 10-20 minutes, which would have gotten me close to or under the 2:30 mark. I also told myself that I wouldn't train for one until I could run a half and not feel like I wanted to die. The last half marathon I did I finished confident and hit my personal best of 2:43, but my body felt like it was going to fall apart. Although my lungs were good, my body was extremely sore and fatigued and it really gave me something to think about. 

So I started to think about running a full this winter and before baby #2 becomes a thought. Running in the winter is not an option for a whimp like me because it's way too cold in Edmonton to run (for me anyways) so I started to look online to see if there are any races that weren't too far away but in a better climate. It looks like we are going to head to Australia this November so we haven't planned any other vacations. I ended up finding the Rock n Roll Arizona which is in January of next year. I'll still be on maternity leave and usually you can find cheap flights to Phoenix; not to mention that the temperature there at that time of year won't be too hot for running! Of course money doesn't grow on trees either...I'm going to use the Edmonton Half in August and the Vancouver Rock n Roll Half in October as trial runs and potentially start a marathon training program after the race in October and make the decision later on this year. I got some support on Facebook from a couple of my mom friends who ran marathons within a year of having their first kids, so it gives me some hope that it is do-able!

Unfortunately I've fallen off the smoothie train a little bit and haven't had that many smoothies this past week. I will get better next week when I start running again! I found it harder than I thought to get up and run after Kendrick gets up around 5ish so I didn't get to that either, but I'm going to have to come up with some sort of plan before Monday as I have to get in 4-5 runs a week! I'm remaining positive that I can do this. 


PS: My aunt told me about these sites called Ebates and Ebates Canada where you earn a small percentage of your purchase back when you shop at a bunch of retailers online. I checked it out and signed up and made my first purchase at Vista Print as I needed some new business cards. I got 90 cents back on my $35 purchase. If you do a lot of shopping you'll want to sign up. It takes seconds and some sites have some really good deals. Check them out by clicking on the Ebates links above!
Saturday, May 16, 2015


May 14, 2015 - I RAN!

I was going to give myself another week or so before I started running again, but when I headed to bootcamp for the first time since last summer it happened to be a running day! I think I may have been the only one excited about this. :)

The concept was simple: run a lap around the soccer field as fast as you can, and then take a minute rest. Repeat another seven times. My goal was to run them all, even if it was incredibly slow I wanted to try really hard not to walk. I was able to accomplish my goal and ran around 2.24 KM (this is a little off because I was late in starting the GPS) with no walk breaks. I felt beyond awesome! Of course today (48 hours later) I'm feeling the effects of the run. Everything hurts! It reminds me of how many muscles you use running that you don't realize. 9.5 weeks after baby and 305 days since my last run, I conquered it. YAY.

These past couple weeks I've been taking Kendrick and going on lots of walks. I've done over 28 KM this month and we're only half way through! 

You can tell which walks I've taken the dog as they are a lot slower! I am so lucky to live in a city with lots of great walking paths and places to explore, as it makes walking that much more interesting! I always run with music but since I've been walking I've been going without headphones and enjoying the scenery and interacting with Kendrick when he's awake.

This past week I also tried out Mommy & Baby yoga at Purity Health & Wellness and it was fantastic! There is a mixture of yoga for mommy and baby massage and songs for baby. Kendrick made it about 45 minutes before he had enough and had a melt down, but overall it was fantastic. I met some new people and spent time with a friend and her little one while getting some exercise! I can't wait to go again next week.

These last couple weeks I've been pretty good when it comes to eating! I'm making/having smoothies 4-5 times a week and I'm trying my best to eat better. I still snack here and there (I love chips, and hubby brought home a mini cheesecake last week) but I've been starting to master multi-tasking with the little one and am able to cook more meals. We got a playpen as a shower gift and it's currently set up in the kitchen, so while I'm prepping a meal or cooking he can hang out next to me. Our friends Adam & Melanie bought us a couple of meals from Simply Supper that we are going to try out this week! It's a very cool concept - everything you need for dinner is in a large freezer bag and there are instructions on how to make it! It's healthy too! Tonight we had honey baked chicken & potatoes and they were delicious!

I'm trying not to weigh myself every day, but I did weigh myself yesterday and noticed I'm down a couple pounds and now 27.8 lbs away from my goal weight. I'm definitely noticing a difference in how I feel and how I look (with the exception of being tired, but I don't think you can ever really get rid of that when you have a baby.) Now that I've gone for my first run I'm starting to think about when I'm going to be able to squeeze in running on a weekly basis. I'm debating on going back to running in the early morning. Currently Kendrick gets hungry between 4:30-5:30 AM and I figure I can go for a quick run after I feed & change him and still have time to shower before hubby goes to work. It usually takes me awhile to get back to sleep anyways when I'm up for over an hour in the middle of the night, so this way I'll be able to get some exercise in and still hopefully be able to sneak in some more sleep before he gets up for the day. Considering the fact that it's 48 hours after my run and I'm still uber sore, I don't anticipate running for more than 20-30 minutes for the first little while so that I can slowly work my way back into it. According to the Nike 1/2 marathon training program I'm starting on June 1st (to train for the Edmonton 1/2 Marathon) I should be running around 8 KM a week before I start so I have to get moving. I'm starting to get a little nervous, however I just keep reminding myself that the goal is to finish and not to overthink it as it will only be five months after the baby and that itself will be an accomplishment!

Action Plan
Run 2-3 times a week
Bootcamp 1-2 times a week
Mommy & baby yoga once a week
Stroller walks 4-5 times a week

I know this may seem like a lot, but I'm taking advantage of the fact that right I'm home most of the day. Running in the morning will be an experiment to see how tired I am at the end of the day, and of course dependant on the weather. I'll provide an update next blog post as to how it's going! Being outside and absorbing vitamin D is obviously doing wonders for my system as I'm feeling fantastic and very happy! Yesterday I rearranged a couple kitchen drawers and shelves and all of my spices so everything is organized and easy to view when I'm cooking! It was a proud moment.


PS: Stella & Dot is having a mega sale this long weekend, so please check it out! There are some items that are 50-60% off and once they're gone, they're gone for good! You'll also earn Dot Dollars so you can treat yourself to a wicked discount at the end of June. Check it out here! I'm starting to do trunk shows again as of June 8, so let me know if you're interested in getting some bling for free! 

PPS: I upgraded to a new gold MacBook and I absolutely love it! The keyboard is so smooth and the computer is really light. I highly recommend it if you are in the market for a new laptop!
Thursday, April 30, 2015


This past Monday I was exactly seven weeks postpartum. I can't believe Kendrick was born seven weeks ago! Time is really flying and he's changing so much every day! Next time I upgrade my iPhone I'm going to have to go with a 64GB, as I take multiple pictures of him a day and am running out of space. He's just so darn cute!

A week and a half ago I went to the doctor to go for my six week check up and after I got checked out the doctor gave me the go ahead to not only lift the carseat, but to slowly get moving and start working out again. I was over the MOON! I've been feeling so trapped at home and so bored of TV so I'm so glad that Kendrick and I can start going out and about during the day! I haven't watched Netflix in over a week! She told me the most important thing was to listen to my body and don't start off too crazy, and recommended no ab-specific exercises (crunches, etc) for another month. I was definitely feeling a lot better but still feeling a little bit of pain and had some difficulty getting out of bed or off the couch so I took it easy the rest of the week.

This week however I've felt very good. I've decided that my fitness journey to get back to pre-baby weight (or a few pounds lighter) is going to start now. These pictures were taken on Monday (I'm not a fan of selfies so these shots are headless):

If I don't leave with the baby, I fear people will still think I'm pregnant. Then again, I just keep telling myself that I haven't been able to do much of anything for over 10 months, so to get here at this point is probably pretty good. Essentially I know now what was baby weight and what was just extra weight (from maybe a few two many cherry candies) from the pregnancy. I'm about 30 pounds away from my goal weight (which is about five pounds lighter than what I was when I found out I was pregnant) and I hope to accomplish that by the end of 2015 if not sooner!

I've had smoothies for breakfast every day this week which has been pretty refreshing. Monday afternoon I went grocery shopping and bought some greek yogurt and frozen fruit for smoothies and dug out my Magic Bullet so I could make single portions. Here's what I bought:

Frozen mango, strawberries and blueberries
Greek Yogurt (banana, coconut and key lime)
Almond Coconut Milk

I already had flaxseed at home, so this has provided me with enough to try different combinations until I run out of groceries! I admit it is cheaper to buy the frozen fruit at Costco, but the sliced ones at Sobey's I find work better in my Magic Bullet as it doesn't take well to full sized fruit. My goal is to have smoothies every day this week. They are quick to prepare and I can take them on the run if I decide to go out and about in the morning! So far so good! I've been finding it difficult to prepare healthy meals three times a day since the baby has come, but as he gets older I'm finding that my time management has been slowly getting better and I'm able to start to get things done some days (the key word here is SOME). I also am not a fan of almond milk on it's own or in cereal, but in smoothies it tastes delicious!

I went for a walk on Monday and it was awesome! Made it just over 3KM and felt a little tired but very motivated. I need to find a way to get some sort of sun shield for the stroller, as when I was walking back I had to keep the cover over him because the sun was shining right in his eyes! I felt a little bit crampy which definitely let me know that I'm not ready to run just yet, but walking was definitely a start! We didn't have a chance to go Tuesday or Wednesday but we did go for a short walk today and it felt even better! 

I also signed up for Mommy & Baby yoga this week at Purity Health and Wellness! I haven't done yoga in at least three years so this should be fun for Kendrick & I! I'm thinking of starting bootcamp with my co-workers next week too, so slowly but surely this mama is getting back into it!

With that, I will leave you with this photo as when I saw this onesie I actually laughed out loud in the store and couldn't say no... :) You'll also see my dog's paw in the bottom right hand corner - I think he loves baby photo time just as much as I do! He wants to be in all the pictures!


PS: I went to get Kendrick & I's passport pictures done so we can apply for new passports in May. Getting a passport picture for a baby is a lot trickier than I thought! Essentially I had to kneel on the ground and try to hold his head up with two fingers, while using my other hand to hold down his hands (as he really likes to raise his hands in the air in the "touchdown" pose) and all while not having any part of me in the picture. Somehow, it we managed to get one in less than five minutes - hopefully Passport Canada likes it because I really don't want to go back and try it again! It's pretty darn cute though - now the little bugger is stuck with that photo until he's 5! :)

PPS: After buying this onesie yesterday I searched "hashtag" and "onesie" on Etsy and oh man, I'm in trouble! There are so many cute ones just calling Kendrick's name...
Tuesday, April 14, 2015


April 14th, 2015: Kendrick smiles for the first time (and it's not even because he has gas!)

I don't plan to be one of those moms who document online every little thing my child does, but having the first smile happen today melted my heart a little more than usual. I had been reading some things online and read that the first smile usually happens around the six week mark. So I had been anxiously waiting and when he was awake trying to make faces and talk to him so he would smile. Until today, his only semi-smiles happened when he was gassy - which was pretty funny but not really the same. I am one happy mama! :)

It's been a bit of a tough week. My Nonno (grandpa in Italian) passed away yesterday after being in the hospital since Thursday night. I am so thankful that Easter happened and we all got to spend some time together before he passed away. I was able to take a four generations picture with my son, my Mom and my grandparents and Nonno was able to meet and hold Kendrick. I won't forget the looks on my grandparents faces when we brought him over to them for the very first time. I haven't seen them that happy in a really long time and that in turn made me very happy! We spent some time every day at the hospital since Thursday and every time Kendrick was able to bring some sunshine into the room just by being himself. We are so lucky that he's been such a good baby; he doesn't mind being passed around and doesn't play strange with anyone. He also has periods where he's wide awake and very interactive and is starting to make faces and noises that just light up the room! I can tell it's been therapeutic for especially my mom and Nonna, and yesterday when we found out the terrible news cuddling him made me feel better too. It's kind of like puppy therapy: go into a room full of puppies and it's hard to stay sad! The same goes for babies, and I'm so happy that Kendrick got to meet his Bisnonno (great grandpa) before he passed away.

Since I've been leaving my house more than average these past few days, I've really started to realize how little clothes I have that are fitting comfortably. I'll be real for a moment and say that I've lost about 20ish pounds since Kendrick was born (by doing absolutely nothing because I can't) which has been great but it's kind of hit a plateau. This is to be expected since I haven't been able to work out, and although I'm not eating terribly I admit it's pretty hard to eat three balanced meals a day while I'm taking care of a newborn. I've noticed that some of the weight I've gained has been in the legs and even arms, so I'm in between my normal clothes and maternity clothes at the moment. Not to mention that any pants that are remotely tight bother my c-section incision so I can't wear those either. 

This means I hate practically my whole closet. 

I suppose if I look at the positive it means that I get to go shopping. I've been able to sell a couple of decorations and things from my wedding so I'm going to head to Lululemon and pick up another pair of running leggings. Not only are they comfy right now, but I'll be able to wear them when I start running again too! At home I wear loose fitting sweatpants and plain tees so it's very comfy but I don't really feel comfortable leaving the house looking like I just got out of bed. It's a big change but I'm hoping once I'm able to get active again I'll be able to shed that extra 25 pounds and feel fabulous again!

Six more days til my six week appointment! Fingers crossed for good news!


PS: Remember my excitement about heading to the Urban Diner for eggs benedict the last post? Well, that was ruined. The manager/part owner was extremely rude to my friend because her child was crying for awhile. Disappointing for a local business but this isn't my first negative experience there and now I won't be going back. 

That being said - where is the BEST eggs benedict in the city?! All suggestions welcome!
Thursday, April 9, 2015


I'm. Going. Bonkers.

Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not bored with the little man; Kendrick keeps me entertained (and tired) all day and he's wonderful. But I'm going slightly crazy being cooped up in the house, especially when the weather is really nice! As much as I love catching up on Friends on Netflix, watching TV all day is very boring. 11 more days until my six week appointment where I'm really hoping I get the OK to carry the carseat so Kendrick & I can start going out during the day! I have my eye on Mommy & Me yoga classes, some walks around the neighborhood and in the river valley, and making visits to my office and Brian's office so that our co-workers can get some baby time! Every time I see someone running I get really antsy - I miss it so much! I can't wait to get back into it!

My incision is healing really nicely - they sewed it up so well that you almost can't even tell it's there! Other than having a little difficulty still getting out of bed or sitting for long periods of time I am feeling pretty good. It's starting to hurt less and less when I cough, sneeze or laugh so I'm hoping the healing process is going well. 

Yesterday I opened the door to let the dog out and saw how amazingly gorgeous it looked outside and got the bright idea that maybe I'll try to figure out the Baby Bjorn carrier we got and take Kendrick on a quick walk! I got really excited, except that Kendrick was screaming and didn't want to sit still while I took it out of the box to try and figure out how to put it together, so I gave that up for the time being. 

Have I mentioned 11 more days until my six week appointment?

This weekend I'm meeting up with a two of my best friends from elementary and junior high at Urban Diner - I'm hoping that I can get the crab cake eggs benedict that I've been craving for months! One of my friends had her little guy the night before Kendrick was born (and in the same hospital) so I feel like they are born to be best friends. We reconnected at a fundraiser dinner a few years ago after not seeing each other for over 10 years, so it's been really awesome to share this whole new Mom experience together!

I can't believe it but Kendrick is one month old today! Time is flying really fast! Some people think he looks more like me, and others think he looks like Brian - I think he's perfect. I take a picture of him looking adorable almost every day (and my phone's memory is slightly full because of it) and it's amazing to see the changes that have happened in the last month! I've been searching Pinterest for some ideas on monthly pictures we can do with him and got some great ones! However why is it that when I try it it doesn't look nearly as good as it does on Pinterest? Damn you, perfect pictures on Pinterest! In any case, Kendrick looks cute and that's really all that matters. Since we didn't have a doctor's appointment today I couldn't get the exact weight so I weighed myself carrying him and then weighed myself without him to get his weight. Hopefully my scale at home is semi-reliable.

I'm thinking that Kendrick & I may go sit on the deck for a bit and soak up some of the sunshine we're getting with this early summer weather. Thank you, Mother Nature!


PS: I've been using Stella & Dot's "Keep it in the Bag" diaper bag and it is AWESOME. Pockets for anything and everything. It's cute and it works for boys and girls - and it's not even too girly for Dad to carry! It also comes with a travel friendly changing pad, which I've used and comes in really handy when my son decides to pee as soon as the diaper comes off! When I go out, I throw my wallet in there and use it as my purse too. It just got a price reduction so go check it out by clicking here!

PPS: Forgot to mention, Kendrick & I are going to VEGAS for Stella & Dot's yearly sales conference in July!! I am so excited! More about that in a future post - but feel free to throw any baby traveling tips my direction for the time being! :)